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Unterrichtsmaterial Englisch Simple Present

Section 1: Simple Present Tense

Unterrichtsmaterial Englisch Simple Present

Unterrichtsmaterial Englisch Simple Present

Section 1.1 – Text Example

Anna goes to school every day. She loves learning new things. Her brother Max plays football often after school. He says that sports are important for health. Their mother works as a teacher. She explains that education is the most important thing in life. Their father drives to work every morning. He believes punctuality is very important. On weekends, they often go to the park together. There, they see

Unterrichtsmaterial Englisch Simple Present: Section 1.2 – Description of Usage

In this text, the Simple Present tense is used to describe habitual actions (e.g., „goes to school every day“), general truths („sports are important for health“), and permanent states („works as a teacher“). The structure involves using the base form of the verb for most subjects, and adding an ‚-s‘ or ‚-es‘ for third-person singular subjects (e.g., „he plays“, „she explains“).

Section 2.1 – Detailed Explanation of the Simple Present Tense

The Simple Present tense is used to describe actions that are habitual or generally true. The form of the verb depends on the subject:

  1. For most subjects (I, you, we, they), use the base form of the verb: „I play“, „they go“.
  2. For third-person singular subjects (he, she, it), add ‚-s‘ or ‚-es‘: „he goes“, „she plays“.

Exceptions include verbs that end in -y, where -y changes to -ies (e.g., „fly“ becomes „flies“), and irregular verbs like „have“ (becomes „has“).

The Simple Present is also used for stating facts or general truths, indicating permanent states, and giving instructions or directions.

Section 3 – Fill-in-the-Blank Exercise

  1. Anna often __ (to read) books.
  2. Max __ (to play) football on Saturdays.
  3. Their mother __ (to teach) mathematics.
  4. The sun __ (to rise) in the east.
  5. I __ (to enjoy) learning languages.
  6. Birds __ (to fly) in the sky.
  7. We __ (to eat) breakfast every morning.
  8. He __ (to have) a pet cat.
  9. She __ (to drive) to work daily.
  10. They __ (to watch) a movie every weekend.
Unterrichtsmaterial Englisch Simple Present

Section 4 – Multiple-Choice Questions

  1. Anna __ a bike.
    a) rides
    b) ride
    c) riding
    d) to ride
  2. Max __ video games.
    a) play
    b) plays
    c) playing
    d) is playing
  3. Their father __ coffee.
    a) drinks
    b) drink
    c) drinking
    d) to drink
  4. The dog __ in the yard.
    a) run
    b) runs
    c) running
    d) to run
  5. We __ to music.
    a) listens
    b) listening
    c) listen
    d) to listen
  6. She __ early.
    a) wake up
    b) wakes up
    c) waking up
    d) to wake up
  7. Birds __ south in winter.
    a) flies
    b) fly
    c) flying
    d) to fly
  8. He __ a book.
    a) reads
    b) read
    c) reading
    d) to read
  9. I __ in a city.
    a) lives
    b) living
    c) live
    d) to live
  10. They __ the news.
    a) watches
    b) watching
    c) watch
    d) to watch

Section 5 – Answers to Exercises

Fill-in-the-Blank Answers:

  1. reads
  2. plays
  3. teaches
  4. rises
  5. enjoy
  6. fly
  7. eat
  8. has
  9. drives
  10. watch

Multiple-Choice Answers:

  1. a) rides
  2. b) plays
  3. a) drinks
  4. b) runs
  5. c) listen
  6. b) wakes up
  7. b) fly
  8. a) reads
  9. c) live
  10. c) watch

Section 6 – Advanced Exercises

  1. Every morning, the birds __ (to sing) beautifully.
  2. My brother always __ (to forget) his keys.
  3. The teacher __ (to assign) homework every day.
  4. In summer, the days __ (to become) longer.
  5. He never __ (to remember) birthdays.
  6. She __ (to believe) in hard work.
  7. We __ (to prefer) coffee over tea.
  8. That store __ (to close) at 8 PM.
  9. The earth __ (to revolve) around the sun.
  10. Cats __ (to sleep) a lot.
  11. Water __ (to boil) at 100°C.
  12. He __ (to speak) three languages fluently.
  13. They __ (to take) the bus to school.
  14. I __ (to write) in my journal every night.
  15. The movie __ (to start) at 7 PM.

Section 7

Unterrichtsmaterial Englisch Simple Present

Section 8 – Creative Task: Descriptive Text or Dialogue Using Given Keywords

Keywords: Morning, School, Play, Teach, Drive, Park, See, Read, Enjoy, Watch.

Section 9 – Answers to Sections 6 and 8

Advanced Exercise Answers:

  1. sing
  2. forgets
  3. assigns
  4. become
  5. remembers
  6. believes
  7. prefer
  8. closes
  9. revolves
  10. sleep
  11. boils
  12. speaks
  13. take
  14. write
  15. starts

Section 10 – Summary Table of Forms

SubjectBase Form3rd Person Singular Form
Unterrichtsmaterial Englisch Simple Present

Übungssätze mit Fragen und Verneinungen im Simple Present

  1. Frage: Does Anna go to school every day?
    Verneinung: Anna does not go to school every day.
  2. Frage: Do they play football on weekends?
    Verneinung: They do not play football on weekends.
  3. Frage: Does Max like playing football?
    Verneinung: Max does not like playing football.
  4. Frage: Does the sun rise in the west?
    Verneinung: The sun does not rise in the west.
  5. Frage: Do birds fly at night?
    Verneinung: Birds do not fly at night.
  6. Frage: Does she teach English?
    Verneinung: She does not teach English.
  7. Frage: Do we eat breakfast at night?
    Verneinung: We do not eat breakfast at night.
  8. Frage: Does he have two cats?
    Verneinung: He does not have two cats.
  9. Frage: Does she drive to work every day?
    Verneinung: She does not drive to work every day.
  10. Frage: Do they watch a movie every night?
    Verneinung: They do not watch a movie every night.
  11. Frage: Does it rain every day in the desert?
    Verneinung: It does not rain every day in the desert.
  12. Frage: Do you enjoy cooking?
    Verneinung: I do not enjoy cooking.
  13. Frage: Does the train arrive on time?
    Verneinung: The train does not arrive on time.
  14. Frage: Do you speak three languages?
    Verneinung: I do not speak three languages.
  15. Frage: Does he read the newspaper every morning?
    Verneinung: He does not read the newspaper every morning.
  16. Frage: Do they go to the gym regularly?
    Verneinung: They do not go to the gym regularly.
  17. Frage: Does the dog bark at night?
    Verneinung: The dog does not bark at night.
  18. Frage: Do you use your phone while driving?
    Verneinung: I do not use my phone while driving.
  19. Frage: Does she drink coffee in the morning?
    Verneinung: She does not drink coffee in the morning.
  20. Frage: Do they travel abroad every summer?
    Verneinung: They do not travel abroad every summer.
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Grundwortschatz Englisch

1 / 20

Wie sagt man „Nein“ auf Englisch?

2 / 20

Wie sagt man „Das ist teuer“ auf Englisch?

3 / 20

Wie sagt man „Ich habe keine Zeit“ auf Englisch?

4 / 20

Wie sagt man „Entschuldigung“ auf Englisch?

5 / 20

Wie sagt man „Hallo“ auf Englisch?

6 / 20

Wie sagt man „Danke“ auf Englisch?

7 / 20

Wie sagt man „Ich hätte gerne Wasser“ auf Englisch?

8 / 20

Wie fragt man „Was machst du?“ auf Englisch?

9 / 20

Wie sagt man „Können Sie das wiederholen?“ auf Englisch?

10 / 20

Wie fragt man „Sprechen Sie Englisch?“ auf Englisch?

11 / 20

Wie sagt man „Ich verstehe nicht“ auf Englisch?

12 / 20

Wie sagt man „Gut“ auf Englisch?

13 / 20

Wie sagt man „Ich bin verloren“ auf Englisch?

14 / 20

Wie sagt man „Ich spreche kein Englisch“ auf Englisch?

15 / 20

Wie sagt man „Ja“ auf Englisch?

16 / 20

Wie sagt man „Tschüss“ auf Englisch?

17 / 20

Wie fragt man „Wo ist die Toilette?“ auf Englisch?

18 / 20

Wie sagt man „Wo ist das Hotel?“ auf Englisch?

19 / 20

Wie fragt man „Können Sie mir sagen, wo… ist?“ auf Englisch?

20 / 20

Wie fragt man „Woher kommst du?“ auf Englisch?

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Unregelmäßige Verben Englisch

1 / 20

Wie lautet das Präteritum von „to swim“?

2 / 20

Wie lautet das Präteritum von „to give“?

3 / 20

Wie lautet das Partizip Perfekt von „to forget“?

4 / 20

Wie lautet das Partizip Perfekt von „to be“?

5 / 20

Wie lautet das Präteritum von „to find“?

6 / 20

Wie lautet das Präteritum von „to hide“?

7 / 20

Wie lautet das Partizip Perfekt von „to blow“?

8 / 20

Wie lautet der Infinitiv von „was/were“?

9 / 20

Wie lautet das Präteritum von „to have“?

10 / 20

Wie lautet das Partizip Perfekt von „to drink“?

11 / 20

Wie lautet das Präteritum von „to write“?

12 / 20

Wie lautet das Partizip Perfekt von „to go“?

13 / 20

Wie lautet das Partizip Perfekt von „to think“?

14 / 20

Wie lautet das Präteritum von „to steal“?

15 / 20

Wie lautet das Präteritum von „to find“?

16 / 20

Wie lautet das Präteritum von „to take“?

17 / 20

Wie lautet das Präteritum von „to break“?

18 / 20

Wie lautet das Partizip Perfekt von „to sing“?

19 / 20

Wie lautet das Präteritum von „to fall“?

20 / 20

Wie lautet das Partizip Perfekt von „to eat“?

Your score is

Die durchschnittliche Punktzahl ist 11%


Lückentextaufgaben: Simple Present

  1. Anna __ (gehen) to school every day.
  2. Max __ (nicht spielen) football on Sundays.
  3. _ they _ (fernsehen) TV in the evenings?
  4. The sun __ (nicht aufgehen) in the west.
  5. _ your brother _ (sprechen) three languages?
  6. We __ (essen) breakfast every morning.
  7. He __ (nicht haben) a pet dog.
  8. _ she _ (fahren) to work every day?
  9. Birds __ (fliegen) south in the winter.
  10. _ it _ (regnen) often in the desert?
  11. My parents __ (nicht sehen) that movie yet.
  12. _ we _ (treffen) at the park tomorrow?
  13. The flowers __ (blühen) in spring.
  14. He __ (nicht benutzen) his phone while driving.
  15. _ they _ (reisen) abroad every summer?

Unterrichtsmaterial Englisch Simple Present: Section 11 – Encouraging Words

Keep practicing the Simple Present tense! It’s a fundamental part of English and will help you describe daily routines, general truths, and permanent situations. Remember, learning a new language opens doors to understanding different cultures and perspectives. Don’t hesitate to use what you’ve learned, whether it’s in conversations, writing, or just thinking to yourself. Your effort will pay off! Keep going and enjoy the journey of language learning.

30 Creative Tasks: English – Simple Present

  1. Daily Routine
    Write about your daily routine using the simple present tense.
  2. Describe Your Best Friend
    Describe your best friend: What does he/she look like? What does he/she like?
  3. What Do You Eat for Breakfast?
    Write about what you usually eat and drink for breakfast.
  4. A Day in the Life of a Farmer
    Imagine the daily routine of a farmer. What does he do every day?
  5. Favorite Animal
    Describe your favorite animal. What does it eat? Where does it live?
  6. Morning Routine of a Celebrity
    Imagine you are a famous singer. Describe your morning routine.
  7. Describe Your School Day
    Write about what you do at school every day, step by step.
  8. Weather Report
    Write a short weather report for today in your city.
  9. Talk About Hobbies
    Write about your hobbies. What do you like to do in your free time?
  10. Describe Your Room
    Describe your bedroom. What does it look like? What furniture do you have?
  11. Imagine a Baker’s Morning
    Write about what a baker does every morning.
  12. Your Parents’ Jobs
    Write about what your parents do for work.
  13. Your Favorite Sport
    Describe your favorite sport. What do players do in this sport?
  14. Describe Your Town or City
    Write about the place where you live. What can you see and do there?
  15. Weekend Activities
    What do you usually do on weekends? Write about your favorite activities.
  16. What Does a Teacher Do?
    Describe the daily tasks of a teacher in the classroom.
  17. Daily Life in a Zoo
    Imagine you are a zookeeper. What do you do every day?
  18. The Life of a Cat
    Write about what a cat does every day.
  19. Describe Your Favorite Book
    Write about the main character in your favorite book. What does he/she do?
  20. Talk About Seasons
    Choose a season and describe what people usually do during that time of year.
  21. What Do You Do After School?
    Write about your typical after-school activities.
  22. Your Family’s Routine
    Write about what your family usually does in the evening.
  23. Imagine a Postman’s Day
    Write about what a postman does every day.
  24. At the Supermarket
    Describe what people usually buy at a supermarket.
  25. Talk About Your Best Friend’s Routine
    Write about your best friend’s daily routine.
  26. Describe a Typical Holiday
    What do people usually do on Christmas or New Year’s Eve?
  27. What Happens in a Park?
    Describe what people usually do in a park on a sunny day.
  28. Your Pet’s Daily Life
    Write about what your pet does every day (or imagine if you don’t have one).
  29. What Does a Pilot Do?
    Write about the daily routine of a pilot.
  30. Your Favorite TV Show
    Describe the main character in your favorite TV show. What does he/she do every day?

Keywords for Solutions:

  1. Daily routine: Wake up, eat breakfast, go to school/work.
  2. Best friend: Appearance, hobbies, personality.
  3. Breakfast: Common foods and drinks.
  4. Farmer: Feed animals, plant crops, work outside.
  5. Animal: Habitat, food, characteristics.
  6. Celebrity routine: Sing, exercise, meet fans.
  7. School day: Classes, teachers, breaks.
  8. Weather report: Sunny, rainy, cold, warm.
  9. Hobbies: Read, play sports, watch TV.
  10. Room: Bed, desk, chair, decorations.
  11. Baker: Bake bread, cakes, open the bakery.
  12. Parents’ jobs: Office, shop, school.
  13. Sport: Rules, activities, team play.
  14. Town: Parks, shops, landmarks.
  15. Weekend: Relax, meet friends, play.
  16. Teacher: Teach, explain, grade papers.
  17. Zoo: Feed animals, clean, educate visitors.
  18. Cat: Sleep, eat, play.
  19. Book character: Actions, personality.
  20. Season: Spring (flowers bloom), summer (swim).
  21. After school: Homework, sports, hobbies.
  22. Family: Watch TV, eat dinner, talk.
  23. Postman: Deliver letters, drive, walk.
  24. Supermarket: Buy food, drinks, snacks.
  25. Friend: School, hobbies, daily activities.
  26. Holiday: Traditions, gifts, parties.
  27. Park: Play, walk, relax.
  28. Pet: Eat, sleep, play.
  29. Pilot: Fly planes, check equipment, travel.
  30. TV show: Actions, role, personality traits.

Wie wird das Simple Present gebildet?
Das Simple Present wird mit der Grundform des Verbs gebildet. In der 3. Person Singular (he, she, it) wird ein „-s“ an das Verb angehängt. Beispiel: I walk, he walks.

Wann verwendet man das Simple Present?
Das Simple Present wird verwendet, um:

  • Gewohnheiten oder Routinen auszudrücken (She eats breakfast every morning.).
  • Allgemeine Wahrheiten oder Fakten zu beschreiben (The sun rises in the east.).
  • Zeitpläne oder festgelegte Ereignisse in der Zukunft zu beschreiben (The train leaves at 6 pm.).

Wie bildet man verneinte Sätze im Simple Present?
Verneinte Sätze werden mit do not (don’t) oder does not (doesn’t) gebildet:

  • Beispiel: I don’t like coffee. / He doesn’t play football.

Wie stellt man Fragen im Simple Present?
Fragen werden mit do oder does gebildet:

  • Beispiel: Do you like music? / Does she play tennis?

Was sind typische Signalwörter für das Simple Present?
Signalwörter sind: always, usually, often, sometimes, never, every day, on Mondays, in the morning.

Gibt es Besonderheiten bei der 3. Person Singular?
Ja, in der 3. Person Singular (he, she, it) wird ein „-s“ oder „-es“ an das Verb angehängt:

  • Beispiel: He works hard. / She watches TV.

Wie verhält sich das Verb „to be“ im Simple Present?
Das Verb to be wird unregelmäßig konjugiert:

  • I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, they are.
  • Beispiel: I am a student. / She is happy.

Wie unterscheidet sich das Simple Present von anderen Zeitformen?
Das Simple Present beschreibt Handlungen, die regelmäßig stattfinden, während andere Zeitformen spezifische Zeitpunkte, Dauer oder abgeschlossene Ereignisse beschreiben.

Welche Übungen helfen beim Lernen des Simple Present?

  • Lückentexte: I ___ (to play) football every day.
  • Satzbildung: She / to go / to school.She goes to school.
  • Verneinung üben: He likes chocolate.He doesn’t like chocolate.
  • Fragen stellen: You work here.Do you work here?

Gibt es Unterschiede bei unregelmäßigen Verben im Simple Present?
Im Simple Present gibt es keine unregelmäßigen Verben außer to be und have, die spezielle Formen haben:

  • I have, he/she/it has.

Wie kann man das Simple Present im Alltag üben?

  • Sprechen über den Tagesablauf: I get up at 7 o’clock.
  • Mit Partnern Fragen stellen und beantworten: Do you like pizza? Yes, I do.
  • Lesen von einfachen Texten und Erkennen von Verben im Simple Present.

Warum ist das Simple Present wichtig?
Es ist die grundlegende Zeitform, um einfache Aussagen, Gewohnheiten und Fakten auszudrücken. Ein gutes Verständnis des Simple Present bildet die Basis für das Erlernen komplexerer Zeiten.

Wie vermeidet man typische Fehler im Simple Present?

  • Das „-s“ in der 3. Person Singular nicht vergessen: He playHe plays.
  • Bei Fragen und Verneinungen das Hauptverb in der Grundform lassen: Does she likesDoes she like.

Welche Spiele eignen sich, um das Simple Present zu üben?

  • True or False: Die Schüler sagen Sätze über ihre Routine, und die anderen raten, ob sie wahr oder falsch sind.
  • Verb Bingo: Die Schüler kreuzen Verben an, die im Unterricht genannt werden.
  • Daily Routine Memory: Paare finden Verben, die mit einer bestimmten Routine zusammenhängen.

Wie erklärt man das Simple Present am besten?
Das Simple Present lässt sich am besten mit alltäglichen Beispielen erklären, die für die Schüler relevant sind:

  • I brush my teeth every morning.
  • She goes to school at 8 am.

Welche Rolle spielen Adverbien im Simple Present?
Adverbien wie always, never oder often geben an, wie oft etwas geschieht. Sie stehen oft vor dem Verb: He always eats breakfast.

Wie korrigiert man typische Fehler im Simple Present?
Indem man die Regel wiederholt und Schüler aktiv korrigiert, z. B.:

  • She don’t like ice cream.She doesn’t like ice cream.

Wie lernen Anfänger das Simple Present am besten?
Anfänger sollten mit positiven Sätzen beginnen und anschließend Verneinungen und Fragen üben. Visuelle Hilfsmittel wie Tagesabläufe oder Signalwörter helfen beim Einstieg.

Multiple-Choice Questions: Simple Present Tense

  1. Which sentence is in the Simple Present?
    a) She is going to the park.
    b) She goes to the park every day.
    c) She went to the park yesterday.
    d) She will go to the park tomorrow.
  2. What is the correct form of the verb in this sentence:
    „Tom ___ his homework every evening.“
    a) do
    b) does
    c) doing
    d) did
  3. Which sentence is correct?
    a) He play football on Sundays.
    b) He plays football on Sundays.
    c) He playing football on Sundays.
    d) He played football on Sundays.
  4. Which question is in the Simple Present?
    a) Do you like coffee?
    b) Are you liking coffee?
    c) Did you like coffee?
    d) Will you like coffee?
  5. Fill in the blank:
    „I usually ___ to school by bus.“
    a) go
    b) goes
    c) went
    d) going
  6. Choose the negative form of this sentence:
    „She reads a book.“
    a) She not reads a book.
    b) She doesn’t reads a book.
    c) She don’t read a book.
    d) She doesn’t read a book.
  7. What is the correct word order?
    a) Always he watches TV.
    b) He always watches TV.
    c) He watches always TV.
    d) He always watch TV.
  8. What is the correct short answer to the question:
    „Do you speak English?“
    a) Yes, I do.
    b) Yes, I am.
    c) Yes, I does.
    d) Yes, I speaking.
  9. Which sentence expresses a habit?
    a) She is cooking dinner now.
    b) She cooks dinner every day.
    c) She cooked dinner yesterday.
    d) She will cook dinner tomorrow.
  10. Fill in the blank:
    „The train ___ at 8:30 every morning.“
    a) leave
    b) leaves
    c) leaving
    d) left
  11. Which question is grammatically correct?
    a) Do he play basketball?
    b) Does he plays basketball?
    c) Does he play basketball?
    d) Do he plays basketball?
  12. What is the negative form of this sentence:
    „They work in an office.“
    a) They not work in an office.
    b) They doesn’t work in an office.
    c) They don’t work in an office.
    d) They not works in an office.
  13. Fill in the blank:
    „We ___ lunch at 12:30 every day.“
    a) have
    b) has
    c) had
    d) having
  14. Which sentence is correct?
    a) The cat sleep on the sofa.
    b) The cat sleeps on the sofa.
    c) The cat sleeping on the sofa.
    d) The cat slept on the sofa.
  15. Choose the correct question for this answer:
    „Yes, she does.“
    a) Does she like apples?
    b) She does like apples?
    c) She likes apples?
    d) Do she like apples?
  16. Fill in the blank:
    „John ___ his car every weekend.“
    a) wash
    b) washes
    c) washing
    d) washed
  17. Which sentence is in the Simple Present?
    a) They are singing a song.
    b) They sing a song every morning.
    c) They sang a song yesterday.
    d) They will sing a song tomorrow.
  18. What is the correct negative sentence?
    a) He doesn’t eats fish.
    b) He not eats fish.
    c) He doesn’t eat fish.
    d) He don’t eat fish.
  19. Fill in the blank:
    „We ___ in a small town.“
    a) live
    b) lives
    c) lived
    d) living
  20. Which sentence is incorrect?
    a) I drink tea every morning.
    b) She studies English at school.
    c) They goes to the gym on Fridays.
    d) We play basketball every weekend.
  21. Fill in the blank:
    „Lucy ___ a shower every morning.“
    a) take
    b) takes
    c) taking
    d) took
  22. What is the correct question?
    a) Do they enjoys swimming?
    b) Do they enjoy swimming?
    c) Does they enjoy swimming?
    d) Does they enjoys swimming?
  23. Which sentence shows a fact?
    a) The Earth orbits the Sun.
    b) I am studying now.
    c) She is sleeping at the moment.
    d) He traveled to Paris last year.
  24. Fill in the blank:
    „We always ___ our homework after dinner.“
    a) do
    b) does
    c) did
    d) doing
  25. Which is correct?
    a) The dog bark every night.
    b) The dog barks every night.
    c) The dog barking every night.
    d) The dog barked every night.
  26. Choose the correct sentence:
    a) She write emails every day.
    b) She writes emails every day.
    c) She writing emails every day.
    d) She wrote emails every day.
  27. Fill in the blank:
    „Tom and Jerry ___ to the park on Saturdays.“
    a) go
    b) goes
    c) went
    d) going
  28. Which sentence is in the Simple Present?
    a) We visited our grandparents last week.
    b) We visit our grandparents every Sunday.
    c) We are visiting our grandparents tomorrow.
    d) We have visited our grandparents.
  29. Fill in the blank:
    „Anna ___ breakfast at 7 a.m. every morning.“
    a) have
    b) has
    c) had
    d) having
  30. What is the correct negative question?
    a) Does she not like pizza?
    b) Do she not likes pizza?
    c) Do not she like pizza?
    d) Does not she likes pizza?

Correct Answers:

  1. b) She goes to the park every day.
  2. b) does
  3. b) He plays football on Sundays.
  4. a) Do you like coffee?
  5. a) go
  6. d) She doesn’t read a book.
  7. b) He always watches TV.
  8. a) Yes, I do.
  9. b) She cooks dinner every day.
  10. b) leaves
  11. c) Does he play basketball?
  12. c) They don’t work in an office.
  13. a) have
  14. b) The cat sleeps on the sofa.
  15. a) Does she like apples?
  16. b) washes
  17. b) They sing a song every morning.
  18. c) He doesn’t eat fish.
  19. a) live
  20. c) They goes to the gym on Fridays.
  21. b) takes
  22. b) Do they enjoy swimming?
  23. a) The Earth orbits the Sun.
  24. a) do
  25. b) The dog barks every night.
  26. b) She writes emails every day.
  27. a) go
  28. b) We visit our grandparents every Sunday.
  29. b) has
  30. a) Does she not like pizza?

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Osterferien: 12.4. bis 27.4. 2025

Unsere Bürozeiten in den Ferien: Mo – Fr 09:00 bis 14:00 (außer Karfreitag und Ostermontag)

Unterricht Mo – Fr ab 9:00 bis zum Nachmittag. Bitte Termine absprechen!

Spezialkurse für das besondere Lernerlebnis

  • 22. April, 13:30 bis 15:00: Bewerbungstraining, ab Klasse 9
  • 22. April, 15:00 bis 16:30: „Mathe durch Spiele“: Lernt Mathematik durch lustige und herausfordernde Spiele.
  • 23. April, 13:30 bis 15:00: Französisch sprechen, ab 2. Lernjahr
  • 23. April, 15:00 bis 16:30: „Deutsch durch Poesie“: Verbessert Deutsch durch das Studium der deutschen Gedichtwelt.
  • 24. April, 13:30 bis 15:00: Deutsch, Grammatik, ab 6. Klasse
  • 24. April, 15:00 bis 16:30: „Englisch durch Geschichtenerzählen“: Lernt Englisch durch das Erzählen und Zuhören von Geschichten.
  • 25. April, 13:30 bis 15:00: Abiturvorbereitung Mathematik
  • 25. April, 15:00 bis 16:30: „Latein heutzutage“: Entdeckt, wie das Latein in unserer heutigen Welt auf ganz unterschiedliche Weise immer noch präsent ist.


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